6 Fragen an unseren Geschäftsführer Dimitar
Heute möchten wir euch Dimitar vorstellen, einen unserer zwei Geschäftsführer bei der DiSC. Er ist Spezialist für Mobile Netzwerke, Java Backend, Java Enterprise Edition sowie für Java Spring Boot
Heute möchten wir euch Dimitar vorstellen, einen unserer zwei Geschäftsführer bei der DiSC. Er ist Spezialist für Mobile Netzwerke, Java Backend, Java Enterprise Edition sowie für Java Spring Boot
Heute möchten wir euch unseren IT-Berater und Entwickler Dominique vorstellen. Er ist seit November 2020 Teil unseres Teams und Spezialist in Java, Spring, Microsoft und Enterprise.
The neural network model consists of two layers – an LSTM layer and an output Dense layer. The reason for choosing an LSTM layer is the need to process sequences of time-related data
Each machine learning process related to the use of neural networks consists of at least two parts. The first part is related to data loading and preparation for training.
Lambda Expressions and Functional Interfaces are a new feature of Java 8 and the support provided for lambda expressions is only with functional interfaces.
In the previous article we got a sense of the REST architecture. In this article we will go through the steps of implementing the architecture. Our REST service will provide cryptocurrency predictions.
Accessing an API back-end from Angular client may result in missing response headers. A common scenario is a missing Authorization header, containing the JSON Web Token (JWT) which is returned from the back-end service when the user logs in successfully.
As we learned in the previous chapter dependency injection is a very powerful technique. DI is provided by the Spring 5 Framework implementation of the Inversion of Control (IoC) principle.
Each Object-oriented application consists of many classes that work together in order to solve a problem. However, when writing a complex application, application classes should be as independent as possible.
In this article we will go through the steps of creating a simple game screen. We will make it the traditional way without using View Model and we will see why it is absolutely wrong to persist data in the View.