Missing Authorization header in Angular 7 HTTP response
Accessing an API back-end from Angular client may result in missing response headers. A common scenario is a missing Authorization header, containing the JSON Web Token (JWT) which is returned from the back-end service when the user logs in successfully. The solution to the problem is to expose the desired header in the back-end code (notice that the Authorization header is not exposed by default). In the case of a Spring Boot back-end, we need to add the following line of code:
response.addHeader("Access-Control-Expose-Headers", "Authorization");
protected void successfulAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
FilterChain chain, Authentication authResult) throws IOException, ServletException {
String token = JWT.create()
.withSubject(((User) authResult.getPrincipal()).getUsername())
.withExpiresAt(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + EXPIRATION_TIME))
response.addHeader("Access-Control-Expose-Headers", "Authorization");
response.addHeader(HEADER_STRING, TOKEN_PREFIX + token);
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Heute möchten wir euch unseren IT-Berater und Entwickler Dominique vorstellen. Er ist seit November 2020 Teil unseres Teams und Spezialist in Java, Spring, Microsoft und Enterprise.